Resolving Failed/Rejected EHR Transactions

Select the applicable tab for your province.

When a transaction is not successfully transmitted to the EHR, the transaction remains in the EHR Queue tile, and the status will be one of the following:

  • Failed – the EHR network was unavailable.

  • Rejected – the transaction was rejected due to an error that must be resolved prior to resubmission.

  • Deferred – prescription was selected to temporarily bypass the EHR and has yet to be submitted.

  • Queued – transaction is waiting to connect to the EHR network to be sent.

To resolve a failed/rejected EHR transaction:

  1. From the Workbench, select the EHR Queue tile.

  2. Select the folder button next to the transaction you wish to view. The Detected Issues Maintenance window appears with the error.

  3. Resolve the error or enter an Issue Management. Refer to the table below for more information on how to action different issues/statuses in the EHR Queue.

    Table 1. Actions for different transaction statuses in the EHR Queue.

    What is the issue/status of the transaction? What does it mean? What actions should I take?
    Not Sync The Patient Folder is not synced to the Client Registry. Select the red folder button to open the Patient Folder and then proceed to sync the patient. Once synced, the transactions in the queue change to a Queued status.
    Queued The message is waiting to be sent. Propel Rx sends the transactions in the appropriate order if more than one is being submitted. No action is required now.
    Failed The message was sent to the EHR but failed or a maximum number of attempts for the message was reached. Send the transaction once the EHR connection is restored.
    Rejected The message was rejected by the EHR with a Detected Issue. Correct the data or use Issue Management.
    Started The message is being sent. No action is required now.
    Deferred The prescription was deferred in Rx Detail and has not been sent. Send the transaction.
  4. Select OK.

  5. Select the checkbox for the transaction you want to send.

  6. Select Send. Ensure the transaction is no longer displaying in the EHR Queue.

When a transaction is not successfully transmitted to the EHR, the transaction remains in the EHR Queue tile, and the status will be one of the following:

  • Failed – the EHR network was unavailable.

  • Rejected – the transaction was rejected due to an error that must be resolved prior to resubmission.

  • Queued – transaction is waiting to connect to the EHR network to be sent.

To resolve a failed/rejected EHR transaction:

  1. From the Workbench, select the EHR Queue tile.

  2. Select the folder button next to the transaction you wish to view. The Detected Issues Maintenance window appears with the error.

  3. Resolve the error or enter an Issue Management. Refer to the table below for more information on how to action different issues/statuses in the EHR Queue.

    Table 1. Actions for different transaction statuses in the EHR Queue.

    What is the issue/status of the transaction? What does it mean? What actions should I take?
    Queued The message is waiting to be sent. Propel Rx sends the transactions in the appropriate order if more than one is being submitted. No action is required now.
    Failed The message was sent to the EHR but failed or a maximum number of attempts for the message was reached. Send the transaction once the EHR connection is restored.
    Rejected The message was rejected by the EHR with a Detected Issue. Correct the data or use Issue Management. For more information, see Detected Issues and Issue Management in Saskatchewan.
    Started The message is being sent. No action is required now.
  4. Select OK.

  5. Select the checkbox for the transaction you want to send.

  6. Select Send. Ensure the transaction is no longer displaying in the EHR Queue.