Analysis by Drug
The Analysis by Drug report provides a list of prescriptions that have been dispensed for one or more specified drugs during the report period. Since this report identifies patients who were dispensed a particular drug, it is useful for drug recalls.
Start Date and End Date - generates the report for prescriptions filled within the date range.
Drug - lists prescriptions filled for the specified drug. Multiple DINs can be specified by separating each drug name or DIN by a forward slash (/), similar to how multiple drugs are entered in the Intake window. When multiple drugs are listed on the report, they are sorted by DIN.
To quickly select multiple strengths of the same drug:
Enter the drug's trade or generic name in the Drug field (e.g., metformin).
Select Search. The Drug and Mixture Search window opens, displaying all strengths and forms of the drug.
Hold down the CTRL or SHIFT key on the keyboard and highlight all applicable DINs.
Select OK. The Drug field will be populated with "Several..."
TP PIN - lists prescriptions submitted to Third Parties using the specified TP PIN. The TP PIN is entered in the Rx Detail Third Party tab prior to filling a prescription. Multiple TP PINs can be specified by separating each TP PIN by a forward slash (/).
Third Party - lists prescriptions submitted to the specified Third Party.
Group - lists prescriptions filled for the specified group.
Custom Class - generates the report for prescriptions filled for drugs belonging to the specified Custom Class.
Therapeutic Class - generates the report for prescriptions filled for drugs belonging to the specified Therapeutic Class.
Display Drug Name As - determines how the drug name appears on the report.
Include Deceased Patients - includes prescriptions for deceased patients on the report. If a patient is deceased, a *DECEASED* indicator appears to the left of the patient's address. When the checkbox is OFF (default), the report excludes deceased patients.
Show Last Filled Rx Only - includes the most recent fill as listed in the Audit History, provided it was filled within the reporting period selected. Once this checkbox is selected, the Start Date and End Date fields become disabled.