Quick Price
Quick Price gives you the ability to check what a product costs without having to process a prescription to find out.
Quick Price can be found in the following locations:
Drug Folder
Mixture Folder
Rx Detail
If you have pricing rules set for different Third Party plans, you can determine the cash value of the prescription with those rules, but not what the Third Party will cover.
This feature does not take into consideration Third Party plan coverage. This information cannot be determined until after the prescription has been billed.
To use Quick Price:
Select the Quick Price icon in one of the following locations:
Drug Folder
Mixture Folder
Rx Detail
In the Qty and DS fields, enter the quantity and days supply of the amount you want to view the price of.
Select Calculate. The calculated cost, with a basic breakdown, displays in the Result section.
Select the Quick Price icon in one of the following locations:
Drug Folder
Mixture Folder
Rx Detail
Optional - select a Third Party from the Third Party - Plan* dropdown to apply any pricing rules you've set for the Third Party. Cash is the default selection.
In the Qty and DS fields, enter the quantity and days supply of the amount you want to view the price of.
Select Calculate. The calculated cost, with a basic breakdown, displays in the Result section.
To view a more detailed breakdown, once the cost has been calculated, select the expander icon in the Result section.