Split Label Functionality

The split label functionality offers more variety and flexibility when labelling prescriptions by specifying the quantity that will appear on each label.

There are three split label options:

  • None - default selection. No split occurs and the same quantity appears on each vial label.

  • Even Split - the quantity of the prescriptions is split evenly between the specified vial label copies.

    The Split Qty is automatically populated based on the quantity of the prescription and the number of vial labels.

  • Custom Split - the quantity of the prescription is split based on the Split Qty entered.

In all split options, the prescription hard copy or e-file copy, and reports, will display the total Fill Qty.

Use the dropdowns below to learn more about each split label option.

Split label quantities must match the Vial Copies indicated in the Extended tab and add up to prescription quantity (or in the case of methadone, the prescription quantity expressed in millilitres). If there is a discrepancy, messages will display to advise you.

Packaging Queue

Split quantities can also be set in the Packaging queue. For more information, see Packaging or Packaging Mixture Prescriptions.

If your pharmacy is using the Packaging queue, split quantities can also be set there. For more information, see Packaging or Packaging Mixture Prescriptions.