Reconciling Owe Balances

When there is enough on hand to fulfill some or all of the balance remaining, the Owe Balance can be processed and scanned at the till.

Use the dropdown below to learn how to reconcile Owe Balances from the Parked Rx tile or Rx menu.

When Auto Reconcile Owe is ON, Owe Balances are reconciled automatically when purchase orders containing the owed drugs are reconciled. The following occurs when the Owe Balance is reconciled:

  • If Digital Owe Balance is ON, the Owe Balance is removed from the Parked Rx tile. For POS integrated stores, the Owe Balance is moved to the Pick Up/Delivery tile.

  • In Workflow Details, an Owe Balance Edit row is added. The Qty Owed is updated at the top of the window.

  • On the Patient Profile, the Owe Balance is removed.

If not enough inventory was received from a purchase order to reconcile the Owe Balance in full, the Owe Balance is not cleared.

If an Owe Balance needs to be reconciled manually, such as when Auto Reconcile Owe is OFF, there are several options available depending on the Digital Owe Balance preference.

The dropdowns below outline the different methods of manually reconciling an Owe Balance. Refer to Table 1 to determine which methods are applicable to your pharmacy.

Table 1. Owe Balance manual reconciliation options by Digital Owe Balance preference setting.

Digital Owe Balance Preference Parked Rx Tile Rx Menu Drug Folder Adjust Owe





For stores using Digital Workflow, please note that Owe Balances do NOT flow through the Workflow queues (i.e., Data Entry, Packaging, Technical Validation, Clinical Review). Use the Owe Balance hard copy to document the verification of the Owe Balance. The Owe Balance hard copy along with the vial label, privacy label, and narcotic pickup receipt, if applicable, will print according to the Owe Label Print preference.

Picking Up Owe Balances

Owe Balances are moved to the Pick Up/Delivery tile after being processed from the Parked Rx tile. When an Owe Balance is ready to be picked up, the Owe Balance privacy label can be scanned at the POS or manually picked up from the Pick Up/Delivery tile. Once this is done, the following updates are made:

This section is only applicable to POS integrated stores.

When Digital Owe Balance is ON, an Owe Balance appears in the Pick Up/Delivery tile when either of the following occur:

  • The Owe Balance has been processed from the Parked Rx tile or Rx menu.

  • The Owe Balance has been cleared automatically during purchase order reconciliation if Auto Reconcile Owe is ON.

When an Owe Balance is ready to be picked up, the Owe Balance privacy label can be scanned at the POS or manually picked up from the Pick Up/Delivery tile. Once this is done, the following updates are made:

  • The Owe Balance is removed from the Pick Up/Delivery tile.

  • In Workflow Details, the sold date and time are added to the Owe Balance Edit rows. The sold date and time at the top of the Workflow Details window is not updated and always corresponds to the initial fill.

When Digital Owe Balance is OFF, Owe Balances do not appear in the Pick Up/Delivery tile but the Owe Balance privacy label can still be scanned at the POS. Once the Owe Balance is sold, the sold date and time are added to the Owe Balance Edit rows in Workflow Details.