Searching for a Patient

To access a Patient Folder, the patient must be searched from the Patient navigator button.

Two types of patient search can be performed. A local search checks if the patient exists in Propel Rx. If the patient does not exist, a PharmaNet search can be performed.

Local Search

To perform a local search:

  1. From the Workbench, select the Patient navigator button. The Patient Search window appears.

  2. Enter full or partial information in any of the columns.

  3. Select Local Search. A search is performed for all patients in Propel Rx. The matching results display.

    Local Patient Search

  4. Select the patient.

  5. Select OK.

PharmaNet Search

To perform a PharmaNet search:

  1. Perform a local search.

  2. The ID Search and Name Search buttons become enabled.

    • Select ID Search if you want to search PharmaNet by PHN.

    • Select Name Search if you want to search by a combination of Last Name, First Name, Gender, and Birth Date.

    Patient Name Search

  3. Select the patient.

  4. Select OK. The information from PharmaNet is carried over to a new Patient Folder in Propel Rx. For more information, see Part 2: Creating a new Patient Folder.

To search for a patient:

  1. From the Workbench, select the Patient navigator button Patient Navigator Button. The Patient Search window appears.

  2. Enter the full or partial information in any of the columns.

    Patient Search Parameters

  3. Select the Search button.

    If there are no matching results and the message No Records Found displays, either check the information entered in the search parameters or create a new Patient Folder. For more information, see Creating a New Patient Folder.

  4. Select the patient.

  5. Select OK. The Patient Folder opens to the main tab.