Patient Waive Preferences
Patient Waive Preferences is only available for independent pharmacies using Propel Rx. This page is not applicable for Rexall pharmacies.
Waiving preferences can be set from the Waives button on the patient's Third Party tab.
The Patient Waive Preferences allows you to:
Set up waive preferences for the different cost aspects of a prescriptions price, such as the Cost, Markup, Fee or Deductible.
- Set up waive preferences for the overall price of the prescription.
- Set up an acceptance threshold to not prompt your team if there is a difference below a specified amount.
If the patient has a coordination of benefits, the waives and acceptance threshold is only applied to the final Third Party in the coordination of benefits. Any differences from the previous plans in the coordination of benefits will be sent to the next Third Party for payment.
For more information about each option, use the dropdowns below.
The Detailed Patient Waive Preferences allows you to set up waives for specific cost aspects of the a prescriptions price, such as the Cost, Fee, Markup and Deductible.
These amounts are waived after the prescription has been processed through the Third Party and can be viewed in the Claim Summary window.
Detailed Patient Waive Preferences have been set for a patient to waive $5.00 from the fee.
Once the prescription has processed through the Third Party (and as long as it is the last Third Party in a coordination of benefits), Propel Rx will automatically waive any difference of the Cost up to $5.00.
The Total Rx Waive Patient Waive Preferences allow you to set up a waive that applies to the overall price of the prescription.
This amount is waived after the prescription has been processed through the Third Party and can be viewed in the Claim Summary window. The waive is applied, in order, to the following cost aspects until there is either no more difference the patient must pay or the maximum amount of the waive has been applied; Deductible, Markup, Fee, Cost.
Total Rx Waive Patient Waive Preferences has been set for a patient to waive $5.00.
Once the prescription has processed through the Third Party (and as long as it is the last Third Party in a coordination of benefits), Propel Rx will automatically waive the difference of the Deductible, followed by any differences of the Markup, then Fee and then Cost until there is no more difference to be waived or the maximum amount of the waive has been applied.
Based on the Claim Summary window above, as there was no difference between the cost and markup, the waive was applied to the Fee.
The Acceptance Threshold Patient Waive Preferences allows you to set a threshold of which any difference below the threshold does not prompt you to determine if you want to waive the difference from the Third Party plan.
Any difference from the Third Party plan above the Acceptance Threshold will prompt the Claim Summary window to appear to confirm if you want to waive the difference.