Synchronizing a Patient

In provinces with Drug Information Systems, for any interaction to occur with the EHR, a patient's information in Propel Rx must be synchronized with the Client Registry. Synchronization ensures that the correct patient is selected and allows the patient information maintained on the Client Registry to be accurate.

Select the applicable tab to learn about synchronizing a patient in your province.

The patient's synchronization status with the Client Registry is indicated in the top right section of the Patient Folder Main tab, below the patient's MPR.

  • If the patient has not been synchronized, EHR Not Sync'd is indicated.

  • If the patient has been synchronized, EHR Sync MM DD, YYYY is indicated.

  • If the patient has been flagged as Facility, Facility Patient is indicated. Facility patients, like Animal patients, cannot be synchronized with the Client Registry.

Upon patient synchronization, certain patient fields are transmitted to the EHR.

It is imperative that every Patient Folder is synchronized prior to any interaction with the EHR. If a user attempts to transmit information to the EHR for a patient that has not been synchronized (i.e., fill a prescription, etc.), the following prompt appears:

Synchronization Scenarios

There are 4 possible scenarios they may occur when searching for and synchronizing a patient. For each scenario, it is important to ensure that the Patient Folder is synchronized with the patient information on the Client Registry.

Select the dropdowns to learn more.