Checking the POS Transaction Management Window

This topic is intended for Independent pharmacies only and is not applicable to Rexall pharmacies.

POS Transaction Management handles all communication between Propel Rx and Propel POS. To ensure all transactions are successfully transmitted to Propel POS, team members should regularly check the transaction management window to ensure all transactions are Complete or Cancelled.

The transactions occurring between Propel Rx and Propel POS is a concept similar to prescription claims to Third Parties - you must resubmit any unsuccessful claims until they are accepted; in this case, you must ensure all transactions submitted to Propel POS are Complete or Cancelled.

There should never be any Failed or Incomplete transactions. Check the POS Transaction Management window daily to ensure all information is correctly updated in Propel POS. Always check before closing a period in Propel POS.

To check the ATM:

  1. Select More > Housekeeping > Accounting. The POS Transaction Management window opens.

    The Accounting buttons will be disabled if the user currently logged into Propel Rx is not authorized to access PharmacySuite Maintenance.

  2. Insert a date in the Period field. The start date should be the last date the POS Transaction Management was checked. The end date should be today's date.

  3. Select Search. The transactions corresponding to that date range appear.

  4. To find Failed and/or Incomplete transactions, type Failed or Incomplete into the Filter.

  5. Select the Enter key.

  6. Highlight a prescription with a Failed or Incomplete status and select Re-Submit. This transaction will be resubmitted to Propel POS.

  7. Select Refresh to refresh the list of transactions.

    • Some of the previously Failed transactions may become Incomplete. If this occurs, refresh by selecting Search again.

  8. If there are still Incomplete transactions in the list after refreshing, select Close to close POS Transaction Management.

    • Repeat steps 1 - 7.

    • Contact Customer Care if the Incomplete transactions are still listed.