Entering an Alternative DIN

When free-form drugs are created in Propel Rx, they are assigned a negative DIN. Since a negative DIN is not a real DIN, it is not accepted when submitted to a Third Party for payment. To avoid this problem, you can enter an Alternative DIN that is submitted to a specified Third Party instead of the Drug Folder DIN.

For British Columbia stores, the Alternative DIN should be the PharmaNet PIN.

An Alternative DIN can be entered in any Drug Folder, whether it is free-form or not.

An Alternative DIN is used when a Third Party accepts a different DIN/PIN for the drug than what is set in the Drug Folder.

For a quick demo on how to enter an Alternative DIN for a drug, watch the video below.

To set up an Alternative DIN for a drug:

  1. Open the Drug Folder. The Inventory tab opens.

  2. Select the Main tab.

  3. Select the TP Rules button. The Drug Third Party Rules window opens.

  4. Select Add. A row is added in the Alternatives section.

  5. Dropdown the Third Party field. Select the Third Party that the Alternative DIN should apply to. If it should apply to all plans, select *All*.

  6. Dropdown the TP Plan field and select the plan for the rule.

  7. Dropdown the Pack Size field and select the applicable pack size.

  8. In the PIN field, enter the DIN/PIN that the Third Party should see when the prescription is submitted.

  9. If the Alternative DIN only applies to patients in registered long-term care facilities, select the LTC checkbox. Otherwise, this checkbox should not be selected.

  10. Repeat steps 4 - 9 for any remaining Third Parties or pack sizes that require a DIN/PIN conversion.

  11. Select OK.

  12. Select Save. The Alternative DIN automatically populates in the Rx Detail Third Party tab for the specified Third Party when a prescription for the drug is processed.