Filling OTC Prescriptions for Compliance Packaging

Medications in compliance packages for Central Fill patients are filled by the Central Fill pharmacy with Central Fill stock, including cash paid OTCs. As a result, patient-purchased OTC stock cannot be used in compliance packages.

In this situation, OTCs must be switched to Private Label and billed using the OK bill code. The OK bill code will charge the patient the cost of the OTC plus a markup that makes the price comparable to Rexall promotions. If the patient prefers another brand, "Patient No Sub" should be entered in the SIG.

To fill an over-the-counter (OTC) prescription for a compliance pack:

  1. Search for and select the patient.

  2. Select the Profile tab.

  3. Review the medication record to determine if the OTC prescription is new or a refill.

    • If the prescription is new:

      1. Select Intake. The Intake window opens.

      2. Enter the prescription information and a Ready Time.

        Correct NPNs must be selected. NPNs beginning with a "1" or "Pseudo DINs" cannot be transmitted to Central Fill.

        Some OTCs may be discontinued. This will be indicated in the Drug Folder Description field. As discontinued DINs cannot be transmitted to Central Fill, an alternative DIN must be selected.

      3. Select Process. Rx Detail opens.

    • If the prescription is a refill:

      1. Select the prescription.

      2. Select Refill. The Ready Time window opens.

      3. Enter an appropriate Ready Time.

      4. Select Process Now. Rx Detail opens.

  4. Enter OK/CA in the Bill field.

    The OK bill code can only be entered if it is listed in the Patient Third Party tab. For more information, see Setting Up Patients for Compliance Packaging.

  5. In the Price section, confirm the Fee is $0.00.

  6. Select the Lock checkbox beside the Bill field.

    This ensures the bill codes remain the same for refills. This is especially important for batched prescriptions.

    The checkbox resets when the prescription is reauthorized.

  7. Select Fill to process the prescription.

Compliance packs may be created using OTC medications that the patients already purchased. Use the dropdowns below for more information on how to fill OTC prescriptions for retail and non-retail patients.