Publicly Funded Paxlovid

This topic is intended for Independent pharmacies only and is not applicable to Rexall pharmacies.

Select the appropriate tab to learn about publicly funded Paxlovid in your province.

British Columbia pharmacies are eligible to provide Paxlovid for eligible patients at no cost.

Paxlovid DINs and PINs

Table 1. Paxlovid DINs and PINs.

DIN/PIN Drug Name Fee
2524031 PAXLOVID 300&100mg $10
2527804 PAXLOVID 150&100mg $10

Submitting a Paxlovid Claim

Use the dropdowns below to learn more about submitting claims for each type of service.

Alberta pharmacies are eligible to provide Paxlovid for eligible patients at no cost.

Paxlovid DIN

Table 1. Paxlovid DIN.

DIN/PIN Drug Name Fee
2524031 PAXLOVID 300&100mg Up to $22.15

Setting Up the Patient Folder

Claims for Paxlovid should be billed using the patient's PHN. If the patient is from out-of-province, a pseudo-PHN should be used. Select the dropdowns below for more information.

Submitting a Claim for a Paxlovid Dispense

  1. From the Workbench or patient's Profile, select Intake.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Drug = 2524031

    • Qty Auth = 30 (20 if renal impairment)

    • Qty = 30 (20 if renal impairment)

    • DS = 5

  3. Select Process. The prescription opens in Rx Detail.

  4. Enter AV/CA in the Bill field if it's not defaulted.

  5. Confirm the dispensing fee is not greater than $22.15. The cost and markup should be $0.

  6. Select Fill.

Last Updated: November 13, 2024

Saskatchewan pharmacies may submit the following claims related to Paxlovid therapy:

  • Assessing a patient's eligibility for Paxlovid

  • Prescribing Paxlovid under the Minor Ailment Program (patient eligibility criteria for a pharmacist issued prescription is outlined in the medSask Mild-COVID-19 Disease prescribing Guidelines)

  • Dispensing Paxlovid (refer to the DPEBB Paxlovid Distribution, Prescribing, and Assessment Program - Pharmacy Process and Billing Instructions for coverage criteria)

Paxlovid DIN and PINs

Table 1. Paxlovid DIN and PINs.

DIN/PIN Drug Name & Strength Fee*
2524031 PAXLOVID 300&100mg Acquisition cost
2527804 PAXLOVID 150&100mg

*Submitted in the Cost field of the claim.

Setting Up the Patient Folder

Claims must be submitted using the patient's HSN. If the patient is not a resident of Saskatchewan or has no HSN, you must contact the Drug Plan and Extended Benefits Branch (DPEBB) for further instruction.

Saskatchewan Residents with a HSN

The patient's HSN should be entered in the Client ID field for the Saskatchewan Drug Plan. The Claim Type should be set to Adjudicate.

Submitting a Paxlovid Claim

There are four types of claims that can be submitted for Paxlovid. Use the dropdowns below for more information.

Last Updated: November 14, 2024

Manitoba pharmacies are eligible to provide Paxlovid at no cost to eligible patients.

  • Patient eligibility is outlined in the Claims Submission Procedure - COVID-19 Oral Antiviral Drugs (Paxlovid).

  • If a patient has coverage under a federal or provincial drug program (i.e., Personal Care Home, Employment and Income Assistance (EIA), Palliative Care), the claim should be submitted to that program instead of Public Health.

  • The patient's self-declaration of federal or provincial coverage must be documented for each dispense.

Paxlovid DIN

Table 1. Paxlovid DIN and PINs.

DIN/PIN Drug Name Fee
2524031 PAXLOVID 300&100mg Up to $14
2527804 PAXLOVID 150&100mg

Setting Up the Patient Folder

If a patient is eligible for Paxlovid coverage under the Manitoba Drug Benefits Formulary (MDBF), add the DM bill code to the Patient Folder Third Party tab.

  1. Open the Patient Folder.

  2. On the Main tab, ensure the patient’s PHIN is entered in the PHN field.

  3. Select the Third Party tab.

  4. Select Add.

  5. Search for and select the DM bill code. The bill code details are as follows:

    • Third Party Name = Manitoba Health

    • Plan Name = Public Health

    • Carrier ID (pre-populated) = 06

    • Group ID (pre-populated) = PH

  6. Select OK to add the plan. The Third Party Detail section should look like the image below.

  7. Select Save.

We recommend deselecting the Active checkbox for the DM bill code. By doing so, the bill code will not be added to prescriptions where it doesn’t apply.

Submitting a Paxlovid Claim

  1. From the Workbench or patient's Profile, select Intake.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Drug

    • Qty Auth = 30 (20 if renal impairment)

    • Qty = 30 (20 if renal impairment)

    • DS = 5

  3. Select Process. The prescription opens in Rx Detail.

    If you set the DM bill code as Inactive in the Patient Folder, it will not auto-populate in Rx Detail; you must manually enter it in the Bill field. However, you can lock the bill code, so it carries over for future refills.

  4. Confirm the cost and markup are $0. The fee should not exceed $14.

  5. Select Fill.

Ontario pharmacies may submit a claim to Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) for the following Paxlovid related services:

  • Assessing a patient for Paxlovid therapy and issuing a prescription where appropriate.

  • Identifying a drug therapy problem related to a Paxlovid dispense and consulting with the prescriber who issued the prescription.

  • Dispensing Paxlovid pursuant to a prescription.

For more information, see the Executive Officer Notice and FAQ (dated May 17, 2024).

Paxlovid DINs and PINs

Each type of Paxlovid related service has been assigned an ODB PIN for billing purposes. Each ODB PIN has been assigned a Drug Folder in Propel Rx.

Drug Folders for Paxlovid Assessment and Prescribing

If you accessed a patient for Paxlovid therapy, submit a claim using the appropriate PIN from Table 1. The strength, or lack thereof, in the Drug Folder indicates whether the consultation was provided in-person or virtually and if it resulted in a prescription or not.

Only 1 assessment and prescribing PIN for Paxlovid and/or oseltamivir can be submitted per patient per day. If a prescription is issued, 1 claim can only be submitted for the duration of the infection(s). Check the provincial Clinical Viewers to see if a claim was already submitted for the patient.

Table 1. ODB PINs for Paxlovid assessment and prescribing services.

PIN Trade Name Location? Rx Issued? Fee
9858233 ASSESS & PRSCRBE: PAXLOVID In-person Yes $19
9858235 ASSESS & PRSCRBE: PAXLOVID Virtual Yes

Drug Folders for Dispensing Paxlovid

If you dispense a Paxlovid prescription, submit a claim using the appropriate DIN from Table 2.

Table 2. DINs for dispensing Paxlovid.

Propel Rx DIN Trade Name Strength
2524031 PAXLOVID 300&100MG
2527804 PAXLOVID 150&100MG

Drug Folders for Paxlovid Pharmaceutical Opinions

As of May 27, 2024, Paxlovid specific Pharmaceutical Opinions PINs were deactivated. The submission of Pharmaceutical Opinions for Paxlovid prescriptions will follow the same process as other drugs. For more information, see Opinions.

Setting Up the Patient Folder

Claims for Paxlovid can be submitted for three types of patients. Select the dropdowns to learn more about the billing information required for each type of patient.

Submitting a Paxlovid Claim

Use the dropdowns below for more information on how to submit the different types of Paxlovid related claims.


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