Transferring Patients Between Groups

When a patient in a non-retail group, such as a Nursing Home, is transferred into a different non-retail group, the following occurs:

  • Any Standing Order prescriptions linked to the old group are inactivated on the patient's Profile, and a prescription note is created for each prescription, indicating the Standing Order was inactivated, and the patient was removed from the Group.

  • The group's default billing code is automatically added to the patient's list of Third Parties. Please note, the transfer procedure is somewhat different when the two groups have different default billing codes.

When the Default Billing Code is the Same for Both Groups

If the patient's new group has the same default billing code as the previous group, it is not necessary to change the patient's Third Parties.

To transfer a patient between groups:

  1. Open the Patient Folder.

  2. Select the Groups tab.

  3. Select Move. The Group Search window opens.

  4. Search for and select the group into which the patient will be transferred. A prompt asks if the prescriptions should be carried over to the new group.

  5. Select Yes to the carry over prompt. If the group has any active Standing Orders, the Assign Standing Orders window opens.

    If No is selected, the prescription are inactivated in the Profile tab.

  6. Select the Standing Orders applicable to the patient and then press Process to create the prescriptions. Select Skip if the patient does not have any Standing Orders. The window returns to the Patient Folder Groups tab.

  7. Optional: Enter the Floor, Wing, Area, Room, Bed, Cycle, and/or Admission Date for the patient.

  8. Select Save. Propel Rx adds the group's default billing code to the Patient Folder Third Party tab.

  9. If you created Standing Order prescriptions in step 6, continue processing them from the Workbench as usual.

When the Default Billing Code is Different for Each Group

If the patient's new group has a different default billing code than the previous group, Propel Rx will replace the old billing code with the new billing code.

To transfer patients between groups:

  1. Open the Patient Folder.

  2. Select the Groups tab.

  3. Select Move. The Group Search window opens.

  4. Search for and select the group into which the patient will be transferred. A prompt asks if the prescriptions should be carried over to the new group.

  5. Select Yes to the carry over prompt. If the group has any active Standing Orders, the Assign Standing Orders window opens.

    If No is selected, the prescription are inactivated in the Profile tab.

  6. Select the Standing Orders applicable to the patient and then press Process to create the prescriptions. Select Skip if the patient does not have any Standing Orders. The window returns to the Patient Folder Groups tab.

  7. Optional: Enter the Floor, Wing, Area, Room, Bed, Cycle, and/or Admission Date for the patient.

  8. Select Save. Propel Rx adds the group's default billing code to the Patient Folder Third Party tab. The patient's old billing code from the previous group is removed.

  9. If you created Standing Order prescriptions in step 6, continue processing them from the Workbench as usual.